Rewind to early childhood, where Jonathan went from speaking full sentences to being nonverbal. He worked with multiple therapists and has been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, and anxiety. This combination made it difficult for him to understand others, meet typical expectations, and navigate sensory rich and unstructured environments, as well as, unplanned changes in routine. His size also made him appear older resulting in even higher demands or expectations when in the community.
Jonathan is now a tween and verbal again, but continues to struggle with social/emotional functioning. He is very dependent upon me (his mom). His intense, almost reflexive/impulsive, reactions often create even more challenges. He joined Cub Scouts a year ago and worked hard to cross over to Boy Scouts. He longs for some normalcy of increased independence and the ability to have positive peer relationships.
A hopeful future with a service dog to enrich Jonathan's quality of life is our goal. He will become more independent and even dependable. As he cares for the dog in a responsible manner, the dog will assist him with navigating positive social interactions, travel and participation throughout the community. Increasing opportunities allows him to grow, develop, and reach his potential of thriving and functioning as a part of society. Please consider being a part of our team to reach this goal.
OR You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids, 112 East Center Street, Berea, OH 44017
Please indicate your donation is "for Jonathan" on the memo line of any check or money order.