W.A.G.S. 4 Kids met Vincie in January of 2014 as a 6 year old boy. He loves life, is full of energy, adores his brothers, and wants to always play baseball! Vincie was born 6 weeks early. He was failure to thrive at 9 months of age and did not hit any of his milestones. After a lot of sickness and difficulty, we finally discovered that Vincie was born with a chromosomal deletion called 13Q deletion. We then found out that he has mild brain damage, which they have labeled as mild cerebral palsy. Since the age of 1, Vincie has struggled with staying healthy. He has had many tests performed on him, which has caused a lot of anxiety, especially for a child with a sensory processing disorder. He was diagnosed with an immune deficiency at age 3, which he has received monthly IV treatments for since. His parents are currently hoping his immune system has gotten the boost it needs and are working on keeping him off monthly treatments. He also has factor VII and X bleeding disorders, which is mild hemophilia.
At this point Vincie receives speech, occupational, and physical therapy weekly. He is learning to use a communication device to help him say what he thinks and feels. Vincie does not do much independently without direct supervision from us or his brothers. Vince loves to be a part of many social situations, however, with his delays it is difficult for him to assimilate at times.

A service dog was a wish to help bridge many social limitations Vincie experiences on a daily basis through positive interaction with people curious to meet him and his K9. Also, and almost as important as any one thing, a service dog would provide a great sense of calm for Vincie during times of anxiety or limitation. Taking care of a service dog would also give him a sense of independence, responsibility, and leadership. Vincie, has experience with a service dog. He had a very strong relationship with his dad’s police service dog Timo, a Dutch Shepherd from Holland. Unfortunately, Timo passed away December of 2012. Vincie and Timo were incredible buddies and their bond was an amazing experience to watch for our whole family. Vincie is ready and excited to have his own Service Dog !!
Thanks To You Vincie’s Wish Came True in 2014! Vincie & Harper, Friends Forever
WOW! THANK YOU! Total Raised: $10,297.28!
You can also mail a check to:
112 East Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo note that your donation is for Vincie