Will made his grand appearance in the world and our lives November 8, 2009. His pending arrival was a complete surprise to me and the pregnancy tumultuous at best. Several surgeries, strict bed rest, hospitalizations and we weren’t quite certain he’d make it. Born almost 5 weeks early, my doctor cried with me when he took that first breath.
Life with us wasn’t much easier, unfortunately. His first hospital admission at 11 weeks old for bronchiolitis turned into 12 days as he picked up RSV from his roommate. His first two years continued on that path of random diagnoses and hospital stays for upper respiratory infections, pneumonia and RSV. By the time he was 18 months we knew he aspirated (hence all the pneumonias – they were aspiration pneumonia), he had low muscle tone, glasses for strabismus, gait issues, was globally delayed in everything and wasn’t vocal. We received the diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome just before his second birthday and generalized epilepsy at 4.5.
He has proved all of us wrong in terms of his prognosis by walking much younger than expected (first independent steps February 2013 at 3 years old), better fine motor than they said he should have and a keen interest in trying to communicate as verbal communication will not happen. He attends preschool with typical peers and is just thriving beyond even what I thought he would/could do.
A service dog for Will is going to just open up so many doors for him. To be a lifelong friend, to give him comfort in situations that always bring anxiety and therefore increase his seizure risk. Someone to love and to play with. A friendly visitor during hospital stays. A helpful hand in the form of four legs, fur and a tail instead of therapists and doctors and tests. Incentive to learn more sign for communication to interact with the dog. He is the strongest, happiest, most positive human I’ve ever known and I am blessed to call him my son.
Special Thanks To Make A Wish Foundation for Sponsoring Will’s Wish for a W.A.G.S. 4 Kids Service Dog!
You can also mail a check to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 E. Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo note that your donation is in Will’s Name.