Jaci Fox | Evenings 7:00 PM – Midnight
OK ladies – I need your help here because I’m terrible with choosing. Which bachelor should I bid on for theCleveland Have A Heart Bachelor Auction Raffle? The cause is well worth it too – Wags 4 Kids, who assist families in need get service dogs for the disabled. So. Which bachelor should I bet all my raffle tickets on? I can’t decide, although I have narrowed it down to three, (which is just short
of a miracle for me).
Check out the pics and bios and vote below!

Which Bachelor? Drew Galub! He's a DJ, Jaci's a DJ, it'll be happily ever after in radio dance-partyland!

Which Bachelor? Dan Inks! Only someone who works at Townhall can support Jaci's wine habit!

Which Bachelor? Tony Madalone! He can make Jaci custom "What does the Fox say?" T- shirts!
So. Who Should I pick? I’m buying a boatload of tix and putting them all on one bachelor. Who Would you pick?
Take Our Poll! Be sure to check out all the bachelors (yes, there are many more!), and their bios at Cleveland Have A Heart’s site!