The new year always makes me think about beginnings and endings…
April of 2021 saw our first in-person prison training classessince March the year before and by December marked six service dogs placed witha dozen more targeted for graduation in 2022. This is thanks in no small part to our parents, advocates, and individual donors whose fundraising efforts far exceeded their goals. This little village that we built together, 17 years ago, pulled together like a “pay it forward” freight train, spreading joy and sweetness all year long. I am proud to say that in the last 12 months - with your support - 4 scholarships were awarded to kids in need. Now formally called the “Partner Placement Scholarship Fund” it is a guardian angel fund for qualified families to seek help for kids in need, who may be stuck in the trenches, to cross the fundraising finish line toward their service dog for life. And we’re only getting started…

It is only thanks to your incredible kindness, with a dash of what Willy Wonka would have called “pure imagination,” and others might call pure innovation that we stand here today. To put it plainly – you, our community, are and continue to be the spirit of W.A.G.S. 4 Kids. It is for you and because of you that 2021 witnessed a sensational healing and community uprising of goodness the likes of which I have never seen.
As we move forward into 2022 – slowly, quietly (nobody touch anything, please!) – I can only hope that we continue to embrace this “one forall” mentality. While we may have been living in survival mode for 2 years, I try to remind myself that our kids have been living in survival mode their whole lives. Most days – with a smile on their face.

So, with each day I promise to continue to promote inclusion– not just the idea of it, but the act of it. To say “yes” more quickly andmore often than I say “no” and to invite, include, or connect more times than I disassociate or exclude. This message is traveling down to Columbus where Lead YP Ambassador, Ava Marguerite Moore will be hosting and posting monthly themed “Friends Rescue Friends” events around OSU’s campus.
And I promise to keep going the extra mile – for you, our partners, our team, our volunteers, and especially for our kids and families.Since the very beginning I have said that we stand together like a house of cards, leaning against one another. I am so excited to bring COVID-safe community events back to YOU, the community who built us (starting with the Mac ‘n’ Cheese Throwdown!). I feel confident that we will surf whatever wave comes our way BECAUSE of the amazing strength that surrounds me in our partners, our staff, volunteers, and volunteer-based board that stand beside me like the four pillars of purpose.

Our kids and families of course will always be the gasoline in our tank. The reason we get out of bed in the morning on a freezing day. And why we come together all year ‘round. Because there is no time like the present and early intervention opportunity is at the tip of your fingers (
Let these endings of 2021 give way to sweet new beginnings in 2022 as we celebrate the new year – new hope – new dreams. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do to make our kids’ dreams come true!
With Love,
Sera Nelson, Executive Director
Working Animals Giving Service for Kids