Her eyes were closed when I went to her. Her little body was exhausted and surging with drugs. Had my wife not reacted that day as she did, had paramedics been slower, had a clogged intersection delayed the ambulance a single minute, I might not be writing this. Bless them all that I can.
It’s six years later and our Kaitlynn lives on in medicine’s darkest place known as “the undiagnosed.”You needn’t have a strong imagination to understand her fears: waking alone to seizures in a dark room, or staying in scary hospitals where strangers come in all night to listen to you and jostle equipment.
In a world where you can’t talk, can’t get away, and everything changes without warning, a warm heartbeat pressed against you to you is nice . . . it’s human. If there was one thing that could tie you to reality, one thing you could grip when you’re scared, one thing that was ultimately yours and would love you when nobody else is nearby in the wee hours of the night, you could feel . . . better.
And how do you think a girl who can’t talk, walk, play, or eat for that matter is able to relate to others her age?
That is the worst thing of all. Isolation by difference even on a minor scale can decimate a child’s life, their self-image, and literally change who they are. We don’t have to look far to see the proof, and with Kaitlynn, it’s far from minor.
But there’s hope, and a service dog can unlock her world and create pathways to peer acceptance and emotional support for all she has to endure on a daily basis. It can instantly make her the center of attention and that’s just where she wants to be. What six-year-old wouldn’t want that?
All you’d have to do is look at the gleam in her eye and hear her scream in joy when we mention the possibility of a dog. A dog she could take anywhere: hospitals, therapy, wherever!
We want her to have this more than you know so please, please consider us knowing that Kaitlynn is anxiously waiting her new friend.
Mission Accomplished!
Total Raised: $12,413.73
Click to Continue to Give in Kaitlynn’s Name!
You can also send a check directly to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 E. Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Pleases make a memo note that your donation is in Kaitlynn’s name