Meet Cassidy. Her laughter and smile are contagious.She is a fun-loving child.She was diagnosed with Autism at two years old and is non-verbal. Cassidy is constantly on the move, looking for hugs, kisses, or racing up and down the hallway. Crowds, loud noises and routine changes induce anxiety with Cassidy. She will plug her ears, lick her lips, and vocalizing loudly. Cassidy likes to spend her time watching shows on her IPad, some over and over again until the power runs out. The benefits of a service dog would be to promote verbal communication & help Cassidy build relationship skills that she lacks. She will be able to pet & give it hugs to her service dog, this would help ease her anxiety. She would know that the service dog is with her at all times and take comfort in its presence.
Our goal is to have Cassidy reach her fullest potential and providing her with a service dog will help her gain confidence, independence, emotional support, and a friend.
You can also mail a check to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 E. Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Pleases make a memo note that your donation is for Cassidy