When Cole was baptized at 5 months old, I wanted my words that were said aloud to be meaningful for the rest of his life. I wanted “you are exactly who you are supposed to be” to ring true in the present and for him to grow into those words. I have never understood the impact of one sentence until I spoke that one aloud. Cole is a sweet, kind, and gentle soul who happens to have Autism; in fact, he is non-verbal. His laugh is infectious, his curiosity for life is astonishing, his skipping run is something that is heart-warming, and his ability to work so incredibly hard, in various therapies, for the smallest gains that should have come naturally, is awe-inspiring. Cole has such an innocence about him and is so giving of his kindness to others.
While all of the above speaks to the nature of Cole’s personality and who he “really” is, that is not to discount the struggles that he has and will continue to encounter. Cole’s inability to verbally communicate his wants and needs, combined with a deficit in social skills, has left him wanting and left out of peer relationships. Cole also tends to elope which has also impacted his ability to see and enter the world as a normal 4-year-old boy. He struggles with sleep and finds it difficult to be alone on his own at night. A service dog would help Cole to further his potential and grow his personality while assisting in these areas of weakness. A service dog would allow him to venture out and explore the world in a safe way, would provide late night companionship for comfort, and would help him feel connected when other peers are struggling to connect with him. A service dog would be a constant in all areas of his life and assist in various environments. My family wants Cole to be adventurous, to see the world, to have the assistance that is necessary for him to thrive and to be exactly who he is supposed to be.
Cole was paired with his new best friend and service dog, Myles, in early April 2021! Use the form below to donate to W.A.G.S. 4 Kids in honor of Cole and Myles!

You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 East Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is in honor of Cole and Myles