Diego Is 11 years old. He is a sweet, loving, and funny boy who is battling autism, depression, ADHD, and severe anxiety. He loves to be outside and loves to do yard work, but he struggles to make friends and his anxiety is very severe: it affects all aspects of not only his everyday life, but his family's life as well.
It's difficult for Diego to do everyday things that we take for granted. He becomes overwhelmed very easily and he needs constant one-on-one support. For example, a simple trip to the store will send him into a complete sensory overload.
Diego is one of six children. He has a cat that he loves and she helps with his anxiety at home. A service dog that he can have support him 24/7 would change his world. Diego would have a constant companion - no matter where life takes him. A service dog would help ease his anxiety before it gets too bad. In his 11 years of life, Diego has yet to sleep on his own. We believe that a service dog will give Diego independence and help enable him to feel safe enough to sleep in his own bed, in his own home.
Diego can be socially awkward. We are hoping that a service dog can help him create new relationships that he may not have felt comfortable creating on his own. A service dog would also relieve some of the pressure that our family has of providing constant, 24/7 companionship to Diego. We also believe that a service dog will help Diego feel a sense of independence and responsibility that he desperately needs.
We think that taking care of a service dog will give him a purpose in his life. Diego really struggles with becoming older and realizing that he is different from other kids his age... In the end, a service dog will help change Diego's life for the better, and we are so grateful for anything that you can give to help make this a reality.
You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 East Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is in honor of Diego