Meet Easton: A sweet, fun-loving 7-year-old who enjoys climbing, swimming, jumping from high heights
(much to the horror of his parents!), and spinning on his swing at speeds that would make an astronaut
ill! Anyone who spends time with Easton usually says the same thing: "That laugh!" Easton has the most
contagious smile and infectious laugh that brightens the whole room. Unfortunately, Easton was
diagnosed at the age of 3 with severe Autism. Not only is he nonverbal with difficulty navigating social
and emotional situations, but he also exhibits self-harm behaviors in response to frustration. Easton's
intense responses range from punching himself in the head, back and chest to head-butting the floor or
wall as hard as he can. Easton is also not aware of his surroundings; he can easily run into a busy parking
lot or crowded public space without second thought. As he gets older, these behaviors will become
harder to prevent, and helping him manage will be difficult. He will be able to run faster and quicker,
causing major concern for his safety. We feel a service dog could vastly improve Easton's quality of life.
Our goal is to give him a companion that will help address these safety issues while he is out in the
community, as well as recognize and aid in calming his self-harming behaviors. Easton is such a great kid,
and his family loves him so much! We would love to be able to give him as much aid and as many tools
as possible for him to be successful in this life.
OR You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids, 112 East Center Street, Berea, OH 44017
Please indicate your donation is "for Easton" on the memo line of any check or money order.