Rania is a 14 year old young lady. She’s in 8th grade and is on the cross-country team at her school. She plays piano and loves puzzles of all types, mystery books and board and card games.
When Rania was three years old, she was diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome. PWS involves many areas of functioning, but the two that affect Rania’s life the most are anxiety and hunger/food.
Rania often feels overwhelmingly hungry, because PWS affects the hunger centers of the brain. She almost never feels full. Combined with this, PWS causes lower metabolism, so Rania needs much fewer calories than other people her age and size. Basically, Rania feels far hungrier but can eat far less than her peers.
Being around food, or people eating is often very difficult for Rania. She feels great anxiety in food-related situations, or in situations where food or eating occurs unexpectedly. If you think about how we socialize, it’s often around meals. Even if a meal is not served, often some sort of snack or treat is involved. So, Rania feels anxious much of the time in social situations, in school, or when we go on outings.
A service dog will help Rania feel less anxiety, and help her manage anxiety, when she experiences it. Currently, when Rania experiences significant anxiety in social situations, she may have to leave, which limits her social activities. Sometimes, the anxiety increases to a point where Rania has a meltdown, which is difficult for her and her family. With a service dog, when she starts feeling anxious, Rania can call the dog over to her to cuddle. Also, the dog can sit on her lap to produce deep tissue pressure, which is calming to Rania. Having a service dog should allow Rania to have a fuller and more satisfying life.
Thanks for taking the time to learn about Rania’s story.
Rania & Clyde - 2019

You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 East Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is for Rania