Tiarra is our loving 9-year-old daughter who is non-verbal and diagnosed with Autism, Anxiety, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder. She faces many daily challenges and we are so excited to have found a way that will greatly help ease some of these hardships: Tiarra is in desperate need of a service dog!
Most of our daughter's time is spent at therapies and doctors’ appointments. Tiarra does not have any friends; and with her being non-verbal, she is not able to communicate with kids and has a hard time socializing with others. An Autism Service Dog would be the best friend that Tiarra never had and would be a wonderful companion to her.
PLEASE help us. We are asking you with all thankfulness in our hearts to help us help our amazing daughter. We are asking for your help with a donation towards Tiarra's service dog. We found a wonderful organization, W.A.G.S 4 Kids (Working animals giving service 4 kids) and they have graciously agreed to provide Tiarra with a trained service dog.
In order to bring Tiarra's Service Dog home, our family is fundraising the $9,000 for the training necessary to connect Tiarra with her fully-focused service dog. A service dog requires lengthy specialized training before it can come home with us and ANY money raised will be used towards this necessary training.
Tiarra has reached many successes with queues, and having a service dog to give her physical and emotional prompts will further her lifelong journey to independence. Tiarra gets very overstimulated being around loud noises and crowds of people and it often scares her to the point where has meltdowns or will take off running without any regards to safety. If Tiarra had a service dog, she would be able to start enjoying going places that kids her age normally like to go as her service dog would be there to comfort her and help her to overcome these challenges further gaining her independence as a young girl who enjoys being a part of her community and keeping her safe at the same time.
We are a loving and caring family and we would all love Tiarra’s service dog and he/she would be the newest member to our family. Please find it in your heart to help this bright and loving little girl get the service dog she needs by helping with a donation towards the amount we need to raise for the training of her service dog. All donations of any size will be greatly appreciated and please feel free to share this story.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Tiarra & Kendrick - 2019

You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 East Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is in the name of Tiarra.