Tristen is 12 years old and loves nuclear power. He loves flying his planes on his computer simulator and is a brilliant young boy. Although Tristen is very social, he struggles with anxiety and behavior issues stimming from his Autism and PTSD.
Tristen had abusive people in his early life that added to the struggles all Autism kids face. Tristen is an only child and we feel a service dog will be a great companion for him. In addition, it will teach Tristen about responsibility and how to care for another. We believe a service dog will help Tristen with difficult transitions especially since we are facing the most difficult part of any child’s life, the teenage years. As you can see by his picture, he looks much older than he is. We firmly believe a service dog can change Tristen’s life by allowing him to gain control over his anxiety and behavior, allowing him to focus on learning in school, social skills at home, and with potential new friends. In addition, a service dog will bring visibility to what is now invisible. Tristen is at the age where he notices when people are being judgmental of him or when kids realize he is “different”. Right now, he struggles to make friends as his behavior can be loud and aggressive, causing other children to be afraid of him. A mother’s hope and prayer is for their child to be able to be independent, self-sufficient, and have someone they can love and who will always be their friend, no matter what. A service dog can give Tristen that opportunity.
We are appreciative of anything you can give to help us reach this goal!
You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 East Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is in Tristen's Name & help another child in need!